Josie Hernandez, Kellie Braband-Lane and Alex Morales posing for a group photo.
Spotlight on Bostrom’s DELP Scholars: Leadership, Growth, and Impact

Written by Anastacia Barbosa

Content Marketing Manager, Bostrom

At Bostrom, we proudly support leadership and professional growth through ASAE’s prestigious Diversity Executive Leadership Program (DELP). Three of our team members—Josie Hernandez, IOM; Kellie Braband; and Alex Morales, M.Ed, CAE—have been profoundly shaped by their experiences as DELP scholars and reflected on their journeys through the prestigious leadership program, sharing insights on how it has shaped their careers and continues to impact Bostrom and the broader association community.

Q: What inspired you to apply for the ASAE DELP program?

Josie Hernandez: I saw DELP as an opportunity to serve as a leader in the association space and also provided the opportunity to advance my career. My desire to lead in a greater capacity and further my career motivated me to apply.

Kellie Braband: I decided to apply for the ASAE DELP program because I see great value in being a part of a community that celebrates diversity and inclusion within the association industry.

Alex Morales: I spent over 20 years in associations, and where I worked, I became accustomed to being the only Latino on staff. Having earned an engineering degree as a first-generation college graduate and living in Indianapolis, I realized that I needed more diversity and a network of association executives who looked, thought, and loved like me.

Q: How has being a DELP scholar impacted your personal and professional growth?

Josie: It’s been a transformational experience. The DELP program provides you a platform by which you can instantly increase your professional network; and provides you with a cohort of amazing professionals that lift and inspire you to achieve your full potential. You are also granted access to educational resources to expand your skill set and knowledge.

Kellie: Being a DELP scholar has expanded my network, connecting me with leaders in the association industry and peers who have quickly become friends. ASAE’s commitment to the DELP program has inspired me to keep inclusion at the forefront of the work I do both personally and professionally.

Alex: It’s the people – DELP has expanded my network far beyond what I could have achieved alone. When I experience stuckness, I now have a network of association executives who understand my experience and that is amazing.

Q: Can you highlight any projects at Bostrom that have been influenced by your DELP experience?

Josie: Being a DELP Scholar has given me numerous opportunities to enhance my association management skills through conferences, leadership programs, and educational content development. I recently attended the Executive Leadership Forum, where I participated in a session on Turning Conflict into Community. I shared key takeaways with the Bostrom team to help navigate challenging social issues within client organizations. Additionally, I leveraged my DELP network to bring Dr. Nabil El-Ghoroury, a fellow scholar, to deliver a keynote on Conquering Impostor Syndrome at the 2023 Association Forum SIG Summit, further extending the value of my DELP experience to a broader audience.

Kellie: Drawing on insights and strategies that have been reaffirmed through DELP, I led the team that developed Bostrom’s Inclusive Meeting Guide, which ensures that all attendees can fully participate in client meetings and events. We aim to increase engagement and satisfaction in client conferences and events by creating an environment where all attendees feel welcomed and included.

Alex: I’m at Bostrom today because of DELP. I received a message from someone in my DELP network about an open role here, and I applied. Now, I’m part of this incredible team. That connection changed my career path.

Q: How does Bostrom support your journey as a DELP scholar?

Josie: Bostrom supports my participation in all of the benefits provided to DELP Scholars, which includes attendance at two ASAE annual meetings, two in-person learning sessions, annual DELP Scholar reunions and other opportunities to serve as a presenter or on panel discussions. They are also interested in my professional growth and provide me with opportunities to share the skill development and knowledge I have learned through my DELP Scholar experience.

Kellie: Bostrom has been incredibly supportive of my journey as a DELP scholar. Bostrom encourages continuous learning and professional development, allowing me the time and resources to engage fully with the DELP program. My colleagues and leadership team have been enthusiastic about applying the knowledge and connections I’ve gained through DELP to our work, which has helped drive innovation and inclusivity within our projects at Bostrom and with our clients.

Alex: Bostrom supports my participation in the yearly DELP reunion, which is instrumental in strengthening my DELP network. That’s important to me because that very network is the reason I applied for the program.

Q: What are your future goals, and how do you plan to continue making an impact?

Josie: I want to continue leading with a focus on equity for all professionals in the association space. I plan to leverage my skills and DELP experiences to contribute to Bostrom’s success and the broader community.

Kellie: I hope to advance in leadership roles at Bostrom while continuing to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in the association industry and beyond. My goal is to keep pushing for progress in these areas.

Alex: I co-presented with DELP colleagues at this year’s ASAE Annual Meeting on overcoming impostor syndrome. I want to continue creating content and resources for professionals who face the same challenges I did earlier in my career.

Q: Any final thoughts or stories about your DELP experience?

Josie: DELP has been truly life-changing. I’m grateful to ASAE and Visit Detroit for the opportunity, and I deeply appreciate Bostrom’s support in allowing me to fully engage with everything the program offers.

Kellie: The friendships and connections I’ve made through DELP are invaluable. It’s a special community of support and camaraderie, and I’m incredibly grateful to be part of it.

Alex: DELP helped me prepare for the Certified Association Executive (CAE) exam. At the time, with everyday life obligations, I couldn’t justify expensing the resources, but a group of Latino association execs from DELP formed a study group, and with their support, I passed on my first attempt. DELP has truly been a gift to my career.

The journeys of Josie, Kellie, and Alex as DELP scholars highlight not only the professional growth and expanded networks they’ve gained but also the positive ripple effects their experiences have had on Bostrom and the association community at large. We are also thrilled to welcome our newest DELP scholar, Jose Segarra, MNA, CAE, CNP, who recently began his DELP journey and will no doubt continue to enrich our team and the association community with his insights and leadership. Bostrom is proud to support these leaders as they continue to make an impact in their fields and drive change for a more inclusive and diverse future.

For more information on ASAE’s Diversity Executive Leadership Program (DELP), visit the official website.

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